Oh so many of us are familiar with this! But what causes it?
Lack of coffee or chocolate generally isn’t the cause – truly! 😲
Well for a start, it could be something as simple as you didn’t get enough good quality sleep the night before, or that you are dehydrated at that time. Dehydration affects your blood pressure, impacting how the blood circulates to the brain. You may not feel thirsty – but do you have brain fog, grumpiness, sluggishness or lethargy? Start with grabbing a large drink of water, and get out of your chair, move around and stretch – this can make a world of difference.
Afternoon slump can also be caused by underlying conditions such as blood sugar imbalances (often linked to diet, weight or insulin issues), thyroid imbalances, how your body is processing food in your gut, liver function (both in how it deals with storage and release of fats and sugars and how it manages chemicals such as coffee or drugs) or adrenal issues. This is not a full list.
Tried water and exercise/stretching?
Still not getting on top of it?
I think we really need to chat then…