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Loving your heart – Part 1

Giving your heart and arteries a bit of love is essential.  We don’t work so well without a functioning heart!


Here is my first list of quick tips to improve your heart health.  Part 2 next week 😊
Follow my page, so you don’t miss it.


  • Move!! Get your butt cheeks off that chair.
  • Garlic – clinically proven to act as a blood thinner and may slow down atherosclerotic plaque build-up. If you are worried about the “garlic pong” – go for aged garlic.  Caution though if you are on blood thinners.
  • Vitamin C – reduces inflammation, helps strengthen arterial walls and positively impacts your cholesterol levels.
  • Fibre – really important for not only your gut function, but also for your heart health. It binds waste products and metabolites so they can be excreted.  It can help lower blood pressure, lower inflammation and helps with control of blood sugar levels.  AND we don’t generally eat enough.
  • Magnesium – be careful with this one if taking as a supplement. This is a case of not all are made equal.  Some forms don’t give the benefits we are after as they don’t absorb as well as others – and can give you the added benefit of diarrhoea 😊.  Your heart needs adequate magnesium to maintain blood vessel function, control blood pressure levels and keep it beating properly.  Low magnesium levels have found to be a strong predictor of reduced heart health and function.  Depending upon your health situation, potassium and calcium may need to be used in conjunction with magnesium if you need supplementing.  Best to get specific help with this, rather than guess.
  • Olive oil – boosts your HDL cholesterol and lower your risk of clogged arteries.


Don’t ignore your heart.  Love your heart.

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