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Serotonin and dopamine

Foods for moods

Yes, I did that because it rhymes 😊.  Anxiety was too hard to rhyme 😊 😊

But in all seriousness, food can have a major impact on mood.  I will talk about two neurotransmitters you may have heard of – serotonin and dopamine.

Serotonin levels are linked to sleep, pain perception and anxiety.  Boosting your intake of foods required to make serotonin may help you with these issues. Consider increasing your intake of bananas, pineapples, spinach,strawberries, eggs, cheese, chicken, hazelnuts and lettuce.

Dopamine directly affects our happiness, emotional responses, gut function and how our muscles behave.  It has also been connected to issues with concentration and sugar cravings.  Dopamine is often low in people with Parkinson’s disease.  Foods such as bananas, dark chocolate (ohhh yay!!), almonds, salmon, eggs, chicken,blueberries, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts (also high in selenium).

There are many other things to consider if you are experiencing sleep issues, anxiety,gut issues and pain.  Getting to the cause can make a huge difference.  You know where I am to get help 😊.

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